/* e-mail ˻ */ String.prototype.is_mail = function(_cpText){ _cpText = this != window ? this : _cpText; var cpMatchText = /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+)@[^\.@]+(\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]{2,})*(\.([a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return cpMatchText.test(_cpText) } /* Number Format Լ*/ String.prototype.num_format = function (_cpNo){ _cpNo = this != window ? this : _cpNo; var cpMatch = /[^0-9]/g; var cpMatchNo = /(-?[0-9]+)([0-9]{3})/; _cpNo = _cpNo.replace(cpMatch,''); while (cpMatchNo.test(_cpNo)) { _cpNo = _cpNo.replace(cpReNo, '$1,$2'); } return _cpNo; } /* ֹεϹȣ ˻*/ String.prototype.is_digit = function (_cpText){ _cpText = this != window ? this : _cpText; var cpMatch = /^[0-9]{13}$/; var cpGrep = "234567892345"; var nSum = 0, nYear = 0, dToday = new Date(); _cpText = _cpText.replace(/-/gi,''); if(!cpMatch.test(_cpText)) return false; /* * ** ˻ */ //-- , ⵵ о´. 1, 2 => 1900 ⵵, 3,4=> 2000⵵, 5,6=> 2100⵵ var i = _cpText.substring(6,7) if(i > 7 || i < 1) return false; i = (i % 2) ? i : i -1;// ¦̸ -1 nYear = (19 + parseInt(i / 2)) * 100 + parseInt(_cpText.substring(0,2)); //-- ⵵ ֹεϹȣ ⵵ //-- 5 ̸ 90 ʰ ȿ ֹε ȣ óѴ if(dToday.getYear() - nYear < 5 || dToday.getYear() - nYear > 90 ) return false; /* * ** ¥˻ */ if(_cpText.substring(2,4) < 1 || 12 < _cpText.substring(2,4) ) return false; if(_cpText.substring(4,6) < 1 || 31 < _cpText.substring(4,6) ) return false; for(i = 0; i < 12; i++){ nSum += _cpText.substring(i, i+1) * cpGrep.substring(i ,i+1); } nSum = 11 - (nSum % 11); if (nSum > 9) nSum = nSum %10; if (nSum != _cpText.substring(12,13)) return false; return true; } /* key ˾Ƴ. */ function chk_key(e){ var browser = navigator.appName; if (browser != "Netscape"){ return event.keyCode; }else{ window.captureEvents(Event.KEYDOWN || Event.KEYPRESS); return e.which; } } /*ڿ Byte */ String.prototype.Byte = function(str){ str = this != window ? this : str; str = str.replace(/\r/gi, '');// CRLF str = str.replace(/\n/gi, '');// CRLF var chr = '', len = 0; for(var i=0;i < str.length; i++){ chr = str.charAt(i); // ѹھ б len += ((escape(chr)).toString().length > 4) ? 2 : 1; } return len; } /*ڿ Byte ŭ ڸ*/ function Left(str, chars){ var chr = "", retStr = ""; var len = 0; if(str.toString().Byte() >= chars){ for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ chr = str.charAt(i); // ѹھ б if(escape(chr).length > 4) len +=2; else if(chr != '\r') len++; if(len > chars){ retStr = str.substring(0, i); break; } } }else{ retStr = str; } return retStr; } function checkMaxLength(obj, cutlen){ var len = obj.value.toString().Byte(); if(len >= cutlen) event.returnValue = false; } function isValueCheck(_oForm){ var retVal = true, cpValue = '' , cpErrMsg = '', cpText ='', cpMatch = '', aMatch = null, inVal = ''; for(var i = 0 ; i < _oForm.elements.length; i++){ with( _oForm.elements[i]){// -- Begin Of With if(getAttribute('errmsg') == null) continue;// ˻ ׸ ƴ skip if(getAttribute('errmsg').toString().isVoid() == true) continue; inVal = document.getElementsByName(getAttribute('name'))[0].value; // -- Begin Of Check /* Element ȿ ˻*/ if(getAttribute('chktype') == null){// ˻ ׸ ܼ Է // retVal = value.isVoid(); retVal = !inVal.toString().isVoid(); cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ Է ̽ϴ."; }else if(getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase().indexOf('email') != -1){// ˻ ׸ ̸ cpErrMsg = "ȿ " + getAttribute('errmsg') + " Դϴ."; // ̸ Է ɼ if(getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase() != "email|req" && inVal.toString().isVoid() == true) continue; // Element ˻ // ̸ Է ʼ if( getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase() == "email|req" && inVal.toString().isVoid() == true){ cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ Է ̽ϴ."; retVal = false; // ̸ ˻ }else{ retVal = inVal.toString().is_mail(); } }else if(getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase().indexOf('jumin') != -1){// ˻ ׸ ֹεϹȣ cpErrMsg = "ȿ " + getAttribute('errmsg') + " Դϴ."; // ֹεϹȣ Է ɼ if(getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase() != "jumin|req" && inVal.toString().isVoid() == true) continue; // Element ˻ // ̸ Է ʼ if( getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase() == "jumin|req" && inVal.toString().isVoid() == true){ cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ Է ̽ϴ."; retVal = false; // ̸ ˻ }else{ retVal = inVal.toString().is_digit(); } }else if(getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase().indexOf('no') !== -1){// ˻ ׸ // Ӽ üũ cpText = getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase().toString(); // ̿ ڸ ˻ if(cpText.indexOf('|') == -1){ retVal = (/^(\d+)$/).test(inVal.toString()); cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ ڸ Է մϴ."; // ̸ŭ ˻ }else{ // no|ּ[,ִ][,ʼ] aMatch = cpText.split('|').pop().toString(); // Է ɼ if(aMatch.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("req") == -1 && inVal.toString().isVoid() == true) { continue; // Է ɼ ʼ̳ } // ̿ ʼ ׸ if(aMatch.toLowerCase() == 'req'){ if(inVal.toString().isVoid() == true){ cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ Է ̽ϴ."; retVal = false; }else{ retVal = (/^(\d+)$/).test(inVal.toString()); cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ ڸ Է մϴ."; } }else if(aMatch.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf("req") !== -1 && inVal.toString().isVoid() == true) { cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ Է ̽ϴ."; retVal = false; }else{ if(aMatch.indexOf(",") == -1){// ̰ cpErrMsg = aMatch + " ̳ ڸ Է մϴ."; cpMatch = "^(\\d){"+ aMatch +"}$"; }else{ // ̰ ּ~ִ밪 aMatch = aMatch.split(","); cpMatch = "^(\\d){" + aMatch[0] + "," + aMatch[1] + "}$"; cpErrMsg = aMatch[0] + " ̻ "+ aMatch[1] +" ̳ ڸ Է մϴ."; } var re = new RegExp(cpMatch); retVal = re.test(inVal.toString()) ; } } }else if(getAttribute('chktype').toLowerCase().indexOf('product') !== -1){// ˻ ׸ retVal = !inVal.toString().isVoid(); cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ Է ̽ϴ."; }else{ retVal = !inVal.toString().isVoid(); cpErrMsg = getAttribute('errmsg') + " ׸ Է ̽ϴ."; }// -- End Of Check if(retVal == false){// ˻ ׸ ȿ alert("\n" + cpErrMsg + "\n"); if(getAttribute('type') != 'hidden') focus(); if(getAttribute('type').toLowerCase() == 'text') select(); break; } }// -- End of Width }// -- End of For return retVal; } /*TextArea Լ*/ function setReSzArea(srcName, nIncrease){ var element = document.forms['frmWBConfig'].elements[srcName]; if(parseInt(element.style.height) < 480 && (parseInt(element.style.height) + (nIncrease) >= 19 )) element.style.height = parseInt(element.style.height) + (nIncrease); 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oLink.innerText = FileName; var oTBody = oTable.querySelector('tbody') || document.createElement('tbody'); //oTable.childNodes[0].appendChild(oRow); oTBody.appendChild(oRow); // TR //console.log(oTable); oCell.setAttribute('height', 19); oRow.appendChild(oCell); // TD oCell.appendChild(oImg); oCell.appendChild(oLink); oCell.appendChild(oDescript); setFileChecked(oLink); //==== ε ִ ʰߴ Ȯ ====// if(pAlreadyFiles.length >= nMaxFiles) return; var pFileList = document.getElementsByName("NewFile[]"); for(var i = 0; i < pFileList.length; i++){ if(pFileList[i].value.isVoid() == true) { pFileList[i].style.display = "block"; break; } } } /*ε */ function rmFile(){ if(pickRow == null) return; var rmIndex = pickRow.rowIndex; var pFileList = new Array(0); var oFileInfo = null; var delFile = null; pFileList = pAlreadyFiles; pAlreadyFiles = new Array(0); //==== Ʈ ü 迭ȭ ====// for(var i = 0; i < pFileList.length; i++){ if(i == rmIndex){// if(pFileList[i].FileElement !== null){// ű resetFile(pFileList[i].FileElement); // ü pFileList[i].FileElement = null; }else{ // ̹ ε //delFile = document.createElement(""); delFile = document.createElement("input"); delFile.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); delFile.setAttribute("name", "DeleteFile[]"); delFile.value = pFileList[i].FileNo.toString(); document.forms['frmWrite'].appendChild(delFile); } }else{ oFileInfo = new FileInfo(); oFileInfo = pFileList[i]; pAlreadyFiles.push(oFileInfo); } } //pickRow.removeNode(true); pickRow.remove(); pickRow = null; if(isDescript == true) document.getElementById('IDS_FileDescript').value = ''; with(document.getElementById('btnFileDelete')){disabled = true;filters.alpha.opacity = 50;} var pFileList = document.getElementsByName("NewFile[]"); for(var i = 0; i < pFileList.length; i++) pFileList[i].style.display = "none"; //==== ε ִ ʰߴ Ȯ ====// if(pAlreadyFiles.length >= nMaxFiles) return; for(var i = 0; i < pFileList.length; i++){ if(pFileList[i].value.isVoid() == true) { pFileList[i].style.display = "block"; break; } } } /* Ʈ ý */ function setFileChecked(obj){ var oRow = obj.parentNode.parentNode; 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Ȥ ʿմϴ.'); passwd.focus(); return false; }else if(passwd.value.length < 4 ){ alert('йȣ ʹ ªϴ. 4 ̻ Էϼ.'); passwd.focus(); return false; } }else if(Subject.value.isVoid() == true){ alert(' Էϼ.'); Subject.focus(); return false; }else if(isValueCheck(document.forms['frmWrite']) == false){ return false; }else if(memo.toString().isVoid() == true){ alert(' Էϼ.'); if(Content.style.visibility != 'hidden') Content.focus(); else WebEdit.focus(); return false; } if(WebEdit != null){ var nCount = WebEdit.GetImageCount(); for(var ImgIndex = 0; ImgIndex < nCount; ImgIndex++){ if(WebEdit.IsLocalImage(ImgIndex) == false ){// ̹ ƴ var oElement = document.createElement(""); document.forms['frmWrite'].appendChild(oElement); oElement.value = WebEdit.GetImageFileName(ImgIndex+1); } } if(WebEdit.UploadLocalImg("community.babosarang.co.kr", 80,"/images/upload.php", 'http://community.babosarang.co.kr/images/' + ImageDir.value + '/', 0, ImageDir.value) < 0 ){ alert(WebEdit.UploadImgError); return false; } Content.value = WebEdit.BodyIn.toString().replace(/<\/img>/gi, ''); 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